Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of Abbé Pierre's Appeal.

The Emmaus Benin groups, like all Emmaus groups around the world, commemorated, on this 1st of February, the 70th anniversary of Abbé Pierre's call to outrage.

4/8/20242 min read

70 years ago, on February 1st, 1954, Abbé Pierre took to the airwaves of Radio Luxembourg to call upon and mobilize the population against the plight of the homeless. That winter, an intense cold wave was sweeping through France (-15°C) and evictions were becoming increasingly common. His appeal was resounding and had a considerable impact.

To commemorate this day, the various Emmaus Benin groups organized various actions; and Emmaus Benin created a video expressing outrage and calling for help.

Emmaus Tohoué organized an information and awareness session on the 70th anniversary of Abbé Pierre's appeal followed by a community celebration.

Emmaus AFA conducted a workshop on the Emmaus movement with the children of the Ze educational center. It was a time to make them experience Abbé Pierre's call to outrage.

Emmaus Pahou organized an event at the Pahou farm that brought together employees, companions, and residents on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Abbé Pierre's appeal. It was an opportunity to organize an "Indign'Action" workshop that allowed everyone to discuss themes and propose feasible solutions, putting into action for a more dignified life.